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FDIC Highlights New Resources for Bank Customers on Precautions When Using Computers and the Internet

FDIC Highlights New Resources for Bank Customers on Precautions When Using Computers and the Internet

Released March 8th, 2016


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) announced new resources today to educate bank customers about appropriate steps they can take to help avoid fraud and other cyber threats when banking online or on their mobile devices. The information is being issued in advance of National Consumer Protection Week, March 6-12.

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FDIC Highlights New Resources for Bank Customers on Precautions When Using Computers and the Internet

FDIC Publishes a Bank Customer’s Guide to Cybersecurity

Released March 8th, 2016

Consumers increasingly rely on computers and the Internet for everything from shopping and communicating to banking and bill paying. While the benefits of faster and more convenient “cyber” services are clear, the strategies for preventing online fraud and theft may not be as well-known by many bank customers. That is why the FDIC has produced a special edition of the agency’s quarterly FDIC Consumer News (Winter 2016) entitled “A Bank Customer’s Guide to Cybersecurity.” Here is a brief overview of the articles and other features in this special issue.

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